Wednesday Apr 16, 2014
Love, Lust, And Laughter - 04/15/14
Wednesday Apr 16, 2014
Wednesday Apr 16, 2014
The Language of Touch. We speak of being “in touch” or “out of touch” – while nurturing is “a healing touch.” Dr. Linda De Villers is an internationally recognized authority on human sexuality who has written most recently about TOUCH. Her previous writings include two books on “Love Skills” and “Simple Sexy Food” (www.SimpleSexyFood.com). She and Dr. Diana spoke about getting in touch with touch. A few of the topics they covered: touch in a baby’s life; how different cultures embrace touch – or don’t; the distinction between sensuality and sexuality; the limitations and benefits of caressing exercises. In her practice she helps couples use caressing exercises to enrich sensual connection and evoke ecstatic experience! So much can be expressed with touch – acceptance, love, disapproval, and desire. It’s important to make deliberate efforts to touch more…For the details, please tune in.
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Love, Lust, And Laughter - Joan Moran - 4/8/14
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Joan Moran, author of “Sixty, Sex and Tango,” a popular keynote speaker, and an insightful blogger for The Huffington Post, returned to the program. Joan’s “10 Ways to Measure Your Life” began with simplification. She explains that living light eliminates the superfluous and reframes mindsets that reflect purpose. Another measure is this: Are you going about the business of being you every day? Joan stresses that you are unique unto yourself. Dr. Diana’s client had an insightful and moving realization: her personal anger and conflict was with herself. Dr. Diana and Joan spoke about ways to increase self-acceptance. Stretching the mind: you can use your mind as a “remote control” to determine which of life’s channels you are going to tune into – deciding which important messages you are going to transmit to the outside world through your behavior. Do you keep an open mind and heart? Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open! Passion was discussed, and if not now, when? No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up! For more from Joan please visit www.JoanFrancesMoran.com.
Tuesday Apr 01, 2014
Love, Lust, And Laughter - Kuba Oms - 4/1/14
Tuesday Apr 01, 2014
Tuesday Apr 01, 2014
“Love, Lust and Laughter” had a special musical intro and outro – “Sex is Good!” The guest Kuba Oms – www.KubaOms.com – wrote and sang that sexy music, so appropriate for this program which promotes healthy and happy sexuality! Kuba is a fixture in the Canadian music scene, winning the National Songwriting Competition. He and Dr. Diana discussed how his music has evolved: he has always been keen on strong melodies, but now lyric content is just as important. Music can transform an ordinary sexual experience into a mind-blowing one! Before the break his song “My Love” played all the way through. They spoke about music, sex, and laughter – as well as about music therapy. You will want to download Kuba’s inspirational, make-you-want-to dance – (or make love) – music!
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Love, Lust, and Laughter - Dr. Dudley Danoff - 3/25/14
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Dr. Dudley Danoff, founder and president of the Cedars-Sinai Tower Urology Medical Group in Los Angeles, returned to the program to further unzip the secrets of male sexual health and power. His fascinating, informative book is “PENIS POWER – The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health.” This time, in Part 2, he and Dr. Diana discussed the life story of the penis (including aging and sexuality); the superpotent man (his attitude, happiness, the realities of movie stars and porn actors); performance anxiety; delaying ejaculation – among other sexual/relationship matters. Yes, we want to banish stress from the bedroom and make sex fun again! Please listen if more sexual play without the anxiety is your goal! www.PenisPowerBook.com
Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
Love, Lust, And Laughter - Joan Moran - 3/18/14
Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
Joan Moran, author of “Sixty, Sex & Tango,” and a popular keynote speaker – www.JoanFrancesMoran.com – once again joined Dr. Diana to share her daily techniques for optimal wellness, staying sexy, strong and smart. Joan’s signature headstand is a metaphor for being brave…doing one thing a day that makes you feel brave – stretching your mind in the process! Her yoga and meditation practices clear her mind so that she is less resistant and reactionary; therefore, she can be more mindful and in the moment. Joan reminds us to take the time to follow our passions with gratitude and wisdom. Approaches and solutions are offered – so that our older years can be more enjoyable. This is a program for any age…Life experience wisdom is invaluable!
Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Love, Lust, and Laughter - Michael Castleman - 03/11/14
Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Michael Castleman, author of “GREAT SEX – A MAN’S GUIDE TO THE SECRET PRINCIPLES OF TOTAL-BODY SEX” – returned to the show. His website www.GreatSexAfter40.com is an excellent, interactive, informative place for allages. Dr. Diana and Michael discussed stress, anxiety and sex. For example, a foot massage is great because all major nerve lines converge in the feet! They also talked about sex and humor/laughter. Yes, PLAY! Humor has detoxifying and defusing abilities that go a long ways to keeping relationships intact. Nowhere is humor more necessary than in the bedroom! The immune system can be boosted by good sex – raising the levels of endorphins. Keeping your relationship healthy can be a laughing matter! They also discussed sex toys and how some men find them competition; whereas, they can be a friend – a friend who doesn’t ever get tired. Vibrators can’t kiss or hold a woman, and some women need the added stimulation to reach orgasm. Finally, they talked about penis size, making peace with one’s penis, and positions to play with. Men hung up on penis size don’t understand good sex. Listen, please, for lots of additional information!
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Love, Lust, and Laughter - 2/25/14
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Dr. Diana Wiley – www.DrDianaWiley.com – covered some areas of concern, typical questions she receives in her practice. In 30-plus years, these include mismatched desire, questions about sexual medicine, body-image, sensate focus homework, sex toys, spiritual dimensions of sexuality, and sexual health benefits. Sex therapy is often necessary. As a therapist, she wants to see her clients restore emotional and physical intimacy to reach their full sexual potential. Indeed, sex matters!
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Love Lust and Laughter - 02/18/14
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Dr. Dudley Danoff, world renowned Urologist, and Dr. Diana discussed his latest book Penis Power: The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health. For years he has helped couples achieve emotional intimacy and physical satisfaction – all the while addressing the complexity and mystery of male anatomy, as well as the fears and fiction of men and women alike. Some prefer denying pleasure – rather than discussing delicate and embarrassing issues. This program was a forum for talking about many of those issues. Here’s a quote from Penis Power: “Keep in mind that personality and penis traits are fundamentally connected. If you are someone who desires to become not only a great person but also a great lover, you must be willing to confront yourself and address aspects of your personality that may be holding you back from emotional and sexual happiness.” Dr. Danoff is a wise and skilled man and Urologist! Please look at this website www.PenisPowerBook.com. You’ll want to get his book, for sure!
Tuesday Feb 11, 2014
Love, Lust, and Laughter - Dr. Serena McKenzie - 2/11/14
Tuesday Feb 11, 2014
Tuesday Feb 11, 2014
Dr. Serena McKenzie, N.D. is the Director for Whole Life Medicine -- Balancing Health for the Body and Beyond – www.WholeLifeMedicine.net. Dr. Diana is the sex therapist on staff, and the two have collaborated for over four years. Dr. Serena is a sexual medicine expert; therefore, a perfect pre-Valentine guest to discuss the SCIENCE of LOVE. New research can teach us about romance and how to make it last. With MRIs, brains are viewed. There is the power of chemistry – the interplay of hormones and neurotransmitters – and we call this love. Four compounds – dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin, and serotonin – are especially critical. Dr. Diana and Dr. Serena discussed how people might be “addicted” to love, why there might be an obsessing component, why there is an urge to merge. Couples may need to sort out their particular relationship structure, eroticizing what is real, what is authentic. Scents and sensibility: what about ovulating women, what about birth control pills, what about kissing? Love that lasts: what may be present for some very fortunate couples? Everyone might talk about how romance fades after the honeymoon – and that isn’t necessarily true. The Docs explored these issues and more. Please listen to this informative show, and if you have a Valentine, make the most of it!
Tuesday Feb 04, 2014
Love, Lust, and Laughter - Michael Castleman - 2/4/14
Tuesday Feb 04, 2014
Tuesday Feb 04, 2014
For over 30 years Michael Castleman has been a sex educator, counselor, journalist, and
author. He returned to Dr. Diana’s program so that they could discuss a man’s guide to advanced lovemaking, better erections without drugs, and mismatched desire – all topics on his wonderful website www.GreatSexAfter40.com. This is a resource for people of all ages, and its information is accurate, up-to-date, and written in an engaging style. His most recent book “GREAT SEX – A MAN’S GUIDE TO THE SECRET PRINCIPLES OF TOTAL-BODY SEX” is updated often in his E-Book, available on the website. Sex is PLAY, and when the focus is on leisurely, playful, whole-body sensuality – the lovemaking is more satisfying. Women need the warm-up; otherwise, there is often a grim, forced march to intercourse. This is not fun! The appropriate analogy here is that men are like microwaves and women are more like crockpots. Get-away sex may be more sensational because the couple can stay in the present, not thinking about home-related issues. Michael Castleman will return for Part II March 11th.