Wednesday Mar 25, 2015
Love Lust And Laughter - 03.24.15
Wednesday Mar 25, 2015
Wednesday Mar 25, 2015
Carl Frankel is a writer, entrepreneur and managing director of Sheri Winston’s Intimate Arts Center (www.IntimateArtsCenter.com). Dr. Diana and Carl discussed one of his books “Secrets of the Sex Masters” and specifically his chapter on ENERGY SEX with Reid Mihalko. To quote from their chapter: “…when you make sex more interesting, you make life more interesting…energy sex is magical in the sense that it’s not easily explained by our rational mind…It’s literally a wonderful experience, as in – full of wonder.” Positivity is important; indeed, 40% of our happiness is in our control. You create love – it is not a state. Energy (heart emotions) precedes anatomy. “Peaking” is an exercise Carl and his partner Sheri do: it’s a “glad game”(based on a 1913 book about Polyanna) where they each find the positive emotional and heart energy. For them these are Positivity Games: micro-moments of positivity resonance. Another side benefit of energy sex: It’s a training ground for great habits and can make you more self-confident and open-minded. Energy sex can also make you a happier, better person!