Tuesday May 20, 2014
Love, Lust, Laughter - Fiona Fine - 5/20/14
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Tuesday May 20, 2014
As an author, speaker and publisher, Fiona Fine is growing a movement for women who want to live and love on their terms! Her book “B.I.T.C.H – Babe in Total Control of Herself – HOW TO STOP CHASING MEN AND START CHOOSING LOVE” can be obtained free by going to her website www.BabeInTotalControlofHerself.com. This is not a book for women, it is a book about women; therefore, guys could benefit from reading it. Fiona was asked by Dr. Diana why she wrote the book at this time in her life. She spent 30 years in a man’s world of engineering, and she wanted to reclaim her own femininity and sassiness without sacrificing her sense of humor. In the book she talks about allowing growth without losing oneself, the Courtesan mindset, orgasms and the Fountain of Youth, pleasure and permission. Dr. Diana and Fiona discussed it all! Indeed, pleasure is a much better place to grow from. What is next on her B.I.T.C.H. journey? Tune-in to find out! Part 2 is June 10th when Fiona will address how women can self-sabotage – and dating and relationships – and more.