Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Love, Lust, Laughter - Fiona Fine - 06/10/14
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Fiona Fine, a self-glorified goddess and dating expert, returned to the show. She is offering a free copy of her book B.I.T.C.H.: go to www.BabeInTotalControlofHerself.com. Fiona decided to put pleasure back into her existence and start living life purely on her own terms. She began her journey with PRN’s own Dr. Gary Null and went on to Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts. Dr. Diana and Fiona discussed how women self-sabotage their love and sex lives; personal examples were offered. Dating and relationships included topics covered in her book: five things men look for in women, rules that are meant to be broken, and picky vs discriminating. If you want to date and have a relationship with a terrific person, you must start by being a terrific person yourself. Life choices and self-improvement can open us to the potential bounty of our lives!