Tuesday Jan 14, 2014
Love, Lust, Laughter - Dr. Robert Dunlap - 1/14/14
Tuesday Jan 14, 2014
Tuesday Jan 14, 2014
Dr. Robert Dunlap returned to the program, giving news from the WORLD CONGRESS of SEXOLOGY – the 21st Congress of World Sexual Health held in Brazil. A huge focus for this conference was brain science and sexuality. Here’s just one example: Why are men so ready to have sex? The preoptic area of the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that makes men and women feel turned on, is 2.5 times bigger in guys and contains twice as many cells. But women need to feel comfortable and safe before the hypothalamus sends out sexually ready signals. Another trend for the WAS conference was the increasing popularity of BDSM. Dr. Dunlap has chronicled the practice of BDSM, interviewing hundreds of fetishists for his 2001 film “Beyond Vanilla.” He spoke about how the practice demands strict rules of safety – and that play is negotiated all along the way. “Fifty Shades of Grey” has influenced the world in varying degrees. Men spend most of their lives being in control; so, it can be exciting to surrender to a woman who knows how to take charge. Dr. Diana and Dr. Robert also talked about why China is supporting polyamory – and the new studies in male circumcision. For more information go to www.SexCoachU.com and www.DrRobertDunlap.com.