Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Love, Lust, and Laughter - Dr. Dudley Danoff - 3/25/14
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Dr. Dudley Danoff, founder and president of the Cedars-Sinai Tower Urology Medical Group in Los Angeles, returned to the program to further unzip the secrets of male sexual health and power. His fascinating, informative book is “PENIS POWER – The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health.” This time, in Part 2, he and Dr. Diana discussed the life story of the penis (including aging and sexuality); the superpotent man (his attitude, happiness, the realities of movie stars and porn actors); performance anxiety; delaying ejaculation – among other sexual/relationship matters. Yes, we want to banish stress from the bedroom and make sex fun again! Please listen if more sexual play without the anxiety is your goal! www.PenisPowerBook.com