Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Love Lust And Laughter - 11.14.17
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Veronica Monet, a relationship and sexuality coach – www.TheShameFreeZone.com – returned to the show. She and Dr. Diana discussed sexual harassment. In her twenties, Veronica had some personal experiences with powerful men in Hollywood. Sexual harassment has become normalized, and of course it is an abuse of power. Then there was this topic: How guilt and empathy can save us from shame and low self-esteem. Most folks don’t enjoy feeling guilty; so, why would she encourage us to connect with our guilt in a positive way? In her work, she encourages her clients to get in touch with the inner, innocent child which helps them reconnect with those they might have harmed. Empathy should come into play here. Like so much in life, thinking about the feelings of others hinges on emotional regulation. A person who can control his/her own emotions (especially negative ones like anger and anxiety) without denying them will be able to tolerate others’ upsets, not prompted to run from them – and able to help. Veronica spoke about healing from shame. In her Part 2, December 12th, we will have an expanded conversation about sexual healing.