Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Love Lust And Laughter - 10.03.17
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Masturbation and Sex Toys! Do I have your attention? Dr. Carol Queen (www.CarolQueen.com or www.GoodVibes.com) returned for this informative Part 2. Her “The Sex & Pleasure Book – Good Vibrations Guide to Great Sex for Everyone” is a comprehensive book which advises, enlightens, amuses, encourages – so that sex and intimacy can be so much more fulfilling. Masturbation. How can one simple word be so complex? For many, relationships are the main goal in life; therefore, nurturing a sense of self-love gets lost in the mix. Dr. Carol and Dr. Diana explored how healthy masturbation is, and how the exploration of one’s self can lead to better partner sex and orgasms! Joani Blank founded Good Vibrations 40 years ago in San Francisco, and Carol Queen developed the educational training for female-friendly, in-house retail sales. We discussed the history of masturbation and vibrators, and the most popular sex toys for women and men. For a lot of women vibrators are an essential part of their sex life because, yes, it may provide a guaranteed orgasm!