Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Love, Lust and Laughter - 09.01.20
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Once again Dr. Diana’s friend and colleague Dr. Lori Buckley (www.DrLoriBuckley.com) joined the show—this time to talk about the importance of play. In Dr. Diana’s book Love in the Time of Corona: Advice From a Sex Therapist for Couples In Quarantine, Chapter 6 is titled “Laugh and Play Together.” Dr. Lori asks her clients, “When was the last time you laughed together?” A great question! Studies show that couples who laugh together last together. Shared laughter has a positive effect on relationship satisfaction. And … laughter can lead the way to play because it’s the sidekick of play. We are absolutely hardwired to play. Actually, all animals in nature play. The best example are dolphins. They survive in a dangerous ocean by making play a priority every day, and they allow their offspring to play. They form protective circles so their young ones can play without worrying about sharks. Human children are masters of play! They just do what they enjoy: drawing, singing songs, building forts or making messes in the kitchen—and go at it with total enthusiasm.
Play is not so easy for some adults who feel like they are juggling many responsibilities—made more vivid by the pandemic. But we humans have an innate need for play. Play is vital for problem solving, creativity and joy! People who don’t give themselves time (or permission) to play are more likely to be anxious and depressed, experience less optimism, and may be more susceptible to unhealthy behaviors, like avoiding exercise or excessive drinking. Dr. Lori’s website www.StuffofLove.com features lots of ways to promote play! You will find a game Dr. Lori created: “CPR for Love” (Connection, Passion, Romance) with creative questions that will stimulate sexy conversations. The sex toys featured are selected and test-driven by Dr. Lori. Her product “Luv My Vulva,” when massaged into the vulva, can have an arousing, tingling effect. If you go to her website you’ll see that for all of September you will get 15% off: use Discount Code – LLLsave15. Tune into the program because Dr. Diana and Dr. Lori have lots of ideas for rekindling or increasing your sense of play!