Wednesday May 22, 2019
Love Lust And Laughter - 05.22.19
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
We needed to see female pleasure so that we could demand it for ourselves. Candida Royalle (Candice), the godmother of feminist porn, taught us a lot about sex. A former adult performer, she went behind the camera and founded Femme Production in 1984, making films that depicted women in control of their sex lives…Happy couples having hot sex. Candice died of ovarian cancer at the age of 64 in 2015. My guest, Dr. Mark Schoen, and I were both good friends of the late film maker. My husband and I traveled to Vancouver, B.C. for the May 4th premiere of the documentary “Candice” by Director/Film maker Sheona McDonald. She will be my guest next week. Mark and I agreed Sheona made a very intimate, compelling portrait of a woman who was a true pioneer in the field of adult film making . Dr Mark is a sex educator and film maker – www.SexSmartFilms.com. So, one film maker reviews another film maker! His films, including “Trans,” have been transformative! Go to his website so that you might get a real sex education. Please tune-in next week for Sheona and the following week for Dr. Mark again.