Wednesday Mar 07, 2012
Love, Lust, and Laughter - 03/07/12
Wednesday Mar 07, 2012
Wednesday Mar 07, 2012
Dr. Robert Dunlap, a Clinical Sexologist, returned to the program. An award-winning Filmmaker (including Beyond Vanilla), his “THE HAPPY HOOKER”: PORTRAIT of a SEXUAL REOLUTIONARY is a documentary about Xaviera Hollander one of the world’s most important sexual icons. Dr. Diana and Dr. Robert discussed this film – as well as the fact that he and Dr. Patti Britton are doing a SAR (Sexual Attitude Reassessment and Restructuring) in the B & B of Xaviera Hollander in the heart of Amsterdam’s most fashionable locale. They also conduct SAR’s in the U.S.A. Go to www.theissar.com for more information.
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