Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Love, Lust and Laughter - 02.09.21
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Romance. We don’t talk about romance much these days. For many, it has yielded to more pressing priorities: the pandemic, health, children, financial survival. A longtime friend and colleague, Dr. Ava Cadell, is Dr. Diana’s guest and they both agree that Valentine’s Day this year is like no other. These sex docs also agree on how important it is to keep making deposits in a couple’s “love bank” so you don’t run out of currency (which in this case is romance and inclination).
Dr. Ava is the founder of Loveology University and perfectly poised to talk about – Yes! – romance. She has many suggestions for how to make the most out of Valentine’s Day. Love coupons are fun. Giving your lover a photo of your body in a love note is seductive. A new sex toy can provide lots of excitement and pleasure. Make some Valentine Vows—for example, “I promise to give you a sensual massage every week for a year.” Sensual foods and romance and love have long been intertwined, ever since Marc Antony first fed Cleopatra grapes. So, create a romantic dinner for two, perhaps even including some aphrodisiac dishes.
Experienced lovers know about the best aphrodisiac: words. Verbal seduction is the surest road to physical seduction! This seems to be especially true for women, who tend to be more emotional and like expressions of love in a card. Men often prefer sexual favors.
To facilitate all of these romantic, sexy behaviors, Dr. Ava is offering her “4-Packs for Lovers” at half price (use promo code DRAVA50). Also, view her series of meditations on You Tube. Dr. Ava’s latest e-book—Neuroloveology: The Power to Mindful Love & Sex—is being offered free to listeners. This book gives tools to make love last with plenty of fun! Here’s an erotic formula: sensual pleasure + playfulness = great sex!
Listen to the interview to hear more tips for a great Valentine’s Day! Also, check out the free Sex Menu download from Dr. Diana’s book Love in the Time of Corona: Advice from a Sex Therapist for Couples in Quarantine. V-Day is a day to focus on love – and sex!