Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Love Lust And Laughter - 01.23.19
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
We’re building toward V-Day. Laura Corn, the author of “101 Nights of Grrreat Sex” (available on Amazon), joined the program. She is the perfect guest to talk about romance! Her books have sold close to 4 million. Laura is curious about erotic formulas: blank + blank = great sex. I like sensual pleasure + playfulness = great sex. Laura’s book is one you do, pulling out invitations/seductions – some for her eyes only, some for his eyes only. Then follow the recipe and have fun! When every sense is stimulated often the lover is able to be more fully in the moment, feeling more alive and sexual. We are creating memories…perhaps this is more important as we age. When I think of my husband and me, I realize we are two experienced people who have a past, yet everything is still possible! A book like Laura’s can help the passion persist.