Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
Love Lust And Laughter – 03.22.16
Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
Gail Scott, certified Coach and speaker (www.GailScottinc.com) is a brave and articulate woman! She was sexually wounded – and she demonstrates the need for sexual healing in her personal and professional life. Gail was molested by her father at age 9, continuing to intercourse at age 13, ending at age 16. Her sexual healing journey began in earnest at age 46 using a variety of healing modalities. Gail and Dr. Diana discussed these – including her need to forgive herself, dropping shame, guilt, and confusion around being a sexual woman. This is a person who has gone beyond “incest survivor (victim)” to someone who is more whole and sexually satisfied. Gail talks about previously going through life numbing out all emotions and feelings – while creating meaning in her life by giving to others. There is more in the details! May 15th will offer Part 2.